The Unattached House
Toasted Cake 222: The Unattached House by M. J. Pettit
Episode #222! In which we try to find just the right inhabitants.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a house in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a family so, with the dawn warming my gables, I redistribute the notification.
This story is original to Toasted Cake.
M. J. Pettit lives as a settler in Toronto, Canada and an immigrant in Manchester, UK. By day (and night and many weekends) he is an undisciplined academic trying to figure out how science and society fit together. An avid reader of short fiction, his own stories have appeared in Daily SF, Nature, and other venues. He is happily no longer the world's foremost expert on raccoon intelligence. You can often find him proximate to kale, canals, or cats.
Original airdate: April 28, 2019