Jasmine Spain
Toasted Cake 185: Jasmine Spain by Jude-Marie Green
Episode #185! In which we sing of adventure.
Grandma smelled of mushroom steaks sauteed in garlic butter and apples soaked in brandy and when she paused in her relentless movement between cooktop and sink and fridge and pantry the Oort cloud of flour settled around her teeshirt and jeans.
This story is original to Toasted Cake.
Clarion West 2010 alumni Jude-Marie Green's short story, ENDLESS SUMMER, will be included in the anthology Made In L.A., being released at the LA Times Festival of Books April 21/22. The book can currently be purchased from Amazon. Other recent short story sales are HANG TWENTY to Fantasy for the Throne: One Sitting Reads (ed. by Judith K. Dial and Tom Easton) and WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION to RE-Launch from Pole-To-Pole Publishing, both due out this spring. She won the Speculative Literature Foundation's Older Writers Grant in 2012. She holds proud membership in BroadUniverse, O.C. Writers (Orange County, CA writers collective), and LASFS (Los Angeles Science Fiction/Fantasy Society.) Her blog is at wordpress.judemarie.com.
Original airdate: May 20, 2018