Phys. Ed. 112 Syllabus: You And Your Apocalypse
Toasted Cake 037: Phys. Ed. 112 Syllabus: You And Your Apocalypse, by Alexander Lumans
Episode #37! In which we arm ourselves with sporks.
Course Description: The world will end, is ending, has ended. Nuclear winter, Yellowstone's supervolcano, robot zombies or zombie robots--what do you do now?
First appeared right here in Booth.
Alexander Lumans graduated from the M.F.A. Fiction Program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. His fiction has been published in or is forthcoming from Clarkesworld, Brain Harvest, Story Quarterly, The Cincinnati Review, Blackbird, The Normal School, American Short Fiction, Surreal South '11, and The Book of Villains. He was a Tennessee Williams Scholar at the 2010 Sewanee Writers' Conference and he won the 2011 Barry Hannah Fiction Prize from The Yalobusha Review. Recently, he was awarded a MacDowell Colony Fellowship, a Blue Mountain Center Fellowship, and a scholarship to attend the ART342 Artist Residency. He now lives and teaches in Denver, CO.
Original airdate: September 10, 2012