Anything Chocolate
Toasted Cake 051: Anything Chocolate by Caren Gussoff
Episode #51! In which we drop the ice cream.
Approximately 21,973,000 people will die this year.
(First appeared in Abyss & Apex)
Caren Gussoff is a SF writer living in Seattle, WA. The author of Homecoming, a novel (2000), and The Wave and Other Stories (2003), published by Serpent's Tail/High Risk Books, Gussoff's work has also been published in anthologies by Seal Press and Hadley Rille, as well as in Abyss & Apex, Cabinet des Fées, Fantasy Magazine, and M-BRANE. She received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1998, and in 2008, was the Carl Brandon Society's Octavia E. Butler Scholar to Clarion West. She's currently shopping around a novel set in post-pandemic Puget Sound. She is spitkitten everywhere online, especially at
Original airdate: December 16, 2012