Sapience and Maternal Instincts
Toasted Cake 070: Sapience and Maternal Instincts by Krystal Claxton
Episode #70! In which we have a story for Mother's Day.
She had my teeth. I hadn't expected to recognize myself in her, but when she greeted me, her maroon lips parting into a crescent, there they were.
(First appeared right here in Daily SF.)
Krystal Claxton writes speculative fiction in the sliver of time between raising a three-year old with her amazing husband and being a full-time computer technician. She enjoys attending Dragon*Con in costume, science magazines, and feverishly researching whichever random topic has just piqued her interest. Keep up with her at or @krystalclaxton on Twitter.
Original airdate: May 5, 2013