The Foreigner
Toasted Cake 043: The Foreigner by M. Darusha Wehm
Episode #43! In which we change planes.
I have about an hour before the shareholders' meeting, but I have to stop by the day care first, so I want to make this snappy.
Available to read here.
M. Darusha Wehm is the Nebula Award-nominated and Sir Julius Vogel Award winning author of the interactive fiction game The Martian Job, as well as the science fiction novels Beautiful Red, Children of Arkadia, The Voyage of the White Cloud, and the Andersson Dexter cyberpunk detective series. Their mainstream books include the Devi Jones' Locker YA series and the humorous coming-of-age novel The Home for Wayward Parrots. Darusha's short fiction and poetry have appeared in many venues, including Terraform and Nature. Originally from Canada, Darusha lives in Wellington, New Zealand after spending several years sailing the Pacific.
Original airdate: October 21, 2012