Coffee in End Times
Toasted Cake 132: Coffee in End Times by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro & Alex Shvartsman
Episode #132! In which we brew the coffee.
Henry Lindnis measured out his life with coffee spoons.
First appeared right here in Nature.
Alvaro is the co-author, with Robert Silverberg, of WHEN THE BLUE SHIFT COMES, which received a starred review from Library Journal. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Analog, Nature, Galaxy's Edge, and in a variety of other online venues and in translation abroad.
Alex Shvartsman is a writer, translator and game designer from Brooklyn, NY. Over 70 of his short stories have appeared in InterGalactic Medicine Show, Nature, Galaxy's Edge, Daily Science Fiction, and many other magazines and anthologies. He won the 2014 WSFA Small Press Award for Short Fiction. He is the editor of the Unidentified Funny Objects annual anthology series of humorous SF/F. His collection, Explaining Cthulhu to Grandma and Other Stories releases on February 1, 2015. His website is
Original airdate: January 18, 2015