Last Man Standing
Toasted Cake 083: Last Man Standing by Anatoly Belilovsky
Episode #83! In which we avoid being mid-rats.
Mother died today, or maybe it was yesterday; I wasn't there to notice.
First appeared in Penumbra, in the Zombie Apocalypse issue.
Anatoly Belilovsky was born in a city that changed six or seven owners in the last 100 years, learned English from Star Trek reruns, and is now a pediatrician in an area of Brooklyn, New York, where English is the fourth most commonly spoken language. He is a SFWA member with stories in Nature, Ideomancer, Kasma, Stupefying Stories, and Andromeda Spaceways, among other publications. Unlike most other writers, he is not owned by any cats.
Original airdate: August 11, 2013