Toasted Cake 040: Ten, by Tina Connolly
Episode #40! In which we bounce around.
Life repeats itself.
(First appeared as a bonus podcast for Escape Artists forum members)
Tina Connolly lives with her family in Portland, Oregon, in a house that came with a dragon in the basement and blackberry vines in the attic. Her stories have appeared in Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and the anthology Unplugged: Web's Best SF 2008. Her debut fantasy novel Ironskin is now out from Tor, with a sequel forthcoming in Fall 2013. She reads stories for Podcastle and Escape Pod, among others, and runs the Parsec-winning flash fiction podcast Toasted Cake (Look how self-referential we are!) In the summer she works as a face painter, which means a glitter-filled house is an occupational hazard. Her website is tinaconnolly.com.
Original airdate: September 30, 2012