A Brief Respite from Eternity
Toasted Cake 055: A Brief Respite from Eternity by Alex Shvartsman
Episode #55! In which we are all too human.
"It's so very green," said Iolanthe. "Why can't we have colors like this on the ship?"
(First appeared in Stupefying Stories.)
Alex Shvartsman is a writer and game designer whose short stories appeared or are forthcoming at Nature, Daily Science Fiction, Buzzy Magazine, One Buck Horror and many other 'zines and anthologies. His adventures so far have included traveling to over 30 countries, playing a card game for a living, and building a successful business. Alex resides in Brooklyn, NY with his wife and son. His recently published fiction is linked at www.alexshvartsman.com, and his recently published anthology of humorous F/SF, Unidentified Funny Objects, is at ufopub.com.
Original airdate: January 20, 2013