We All Look Like Harrie
Toasted Cake 176: We All Look Like Harrie by Andrew Penn Romine
Episode #176! In which we fling ourselves into perilous orbits.
We all look like Harrie, when we can afford it. Even the boys. Even the girls.
This story first appeared in the anthology XIII from Resurrection House, edited by Mark Teppo.
Andrew Penn Romine is a writer and animator living in Seattle. When he's not wrangling words, robots, cavemen, or dragons, he dabbles in craft cocktails and virtual reality. His fiction appears online at Lightspeed Magazine, Paizo and Crossed Genres as well as in the anthologies Fungi, After The Fall, By Faerie Light, and Help Fund My Robot Army. You can find his full list of publications at andrewpennromine.com and on Twitter at @inkgorilla.
Original airdate: March 18, 2018