100 Beats
Toasted Cake 093: 100 Beats by Brent Bowen, read by Matt Haynes
Episode #93! In which we reconsider disco.
Peter had a weakness for glam rock and roller skating -- bad habits from his days at Cal.
Writer Brent Bowen is co-host and producer for the Parsec award-winning podcast Adventures in Scifi Publishing, and he's studied at the 2009 Viable Paradise XIII writer's workshop. He lives in a Kansas City suburb with his wife, two children, mutt Monty and pretty boy golden retriever Rufus. Learn more about Brent and his work at splitlegend.com. You also can follow Brent on Twitter where he goes by the handle SplitLegend.
A Maine transplant, our narrator Matt Haynes has been happily playing in PDX for over 8 years. He is delighted to be with Toasted Cake, narrating for the first time. Matt is the artistic director of The Pulp Stage theatre company, currently taking submissions for the "Pocket Pulp Project" at thepulpstage.weebly.com.
Original airdate: November 3, 2013