The Law of the Conservation of Hair
Toasted Cake 151: The Law of the Conservation of Hair by Rachael K. Jones
Episode #151! In which we make deals.
That it has long been our joke that our hair lengths are inversely proportional, and cannot exceed the same cumulative mass it possessed on the day we met;
First appeared right here in Shimmer.
Rachael K. Jones grew up in various cities across Europe and North America, picked up (and mostly forgot) six languages, an addiction to running, and a couple degrees. Now she writes speculative fiction in Athens, Georgia, where she lives with her husband. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in many venues, including Shimmer, Lightspeed, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Fireside Magazine, Strange Horizons, Escape Pod, InterGalactic Medicine Show, The Drabblecast, and Daily Science Fiction. She is a podcaster, a SFWA member, and a secret android. Follow her on Twitter at @RachaelKJones.
PS: No, we are not back from hiatus, but the outro will catch you up on our current status. :)
Original airdate: May 8, 2016