TurboLuxe SmartFridge 3000
Toasted Cake 190: TurboLuxe SmartFridge 3000 by Tara Campbell
Episode #190! In which we receive free age-appropriate nutrition tips.
Thank you for purchasing the TurboLuxe SmartFridge 3000.
This story first appeared right here in Gathering Storm Magazine.
Tara Campbell s a fiction editor at Barrelhouse and an MFA candidate at American University. Prior publication credits include SmokeLong Quarterly, Masters Review, Strange Horizons, and Toasted Cake Podcast. Her debut novel, TreeVolution, was published in 2016, her collection, Circe's Bicycle, was released in spring 2018, and her third book, Midnight at the Organporium, will be released by Aqueduct Press in 2019. Find her at taracampbell.com
Original airdate: September 10, 2018