Five Functions of Your Bionosaur
Toasted Cake 189: Five Functions of Your Bionosaur by Rachael K. Jones
Episode #189! In which we imprint.
Your parents first activate your bionosaur when they bring you home from the hospital.
This story first appeared right here in the ROBOT DINOSAURS! anthology.
Rachael K. Jones grew up in various cities across Europe and North America, picked up (and mostly forgot) six languages, and acquired several degrees in the arts and sciences. Now she writes speculative fiction in Portland, Oregon. Her debut novella, Every River Runs to Salt, is out now with Fireside Fiction. Contrary to the rumors, she is probably not a secret android. Rachael is a World Fantasy Award nominee and Tiptree Award honoree. Her fiction has appeared in dozens of venues worldwide, including Lightspeed, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Strange Horizons, and all four Escape Artists podcasts. Follow her on Twitter @RachaelKJones.
Original airdate: September 3, 2018