Zing Zou Zou
Toasted Cake 024: Zing Zou Zou by C. S. E. Cooney
Episode #24! In which we fire the coals and RAKE THEM TOO.
They don't build us with windshield wipers over our glass eyes.
A Toasted Cake Original, and a Giant.
C.S.E. Cooney collects knives and books. Her fiction and poetry can be found in Rich Horton's Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 2011 and 2012, SteamPowered II and Clockwork Phoenix 3, at Apex, Subterranean, Strange Horizons, Podcastle, Goblin Fruit, Cabinet des Fées and Mythic Delirium. She was this year's recipient of the Rhysling Award in the Long Poem category. Her novella Jack o' the Hills is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook. Her poetry collection, How to Flirt in Faerieland and Other Wild Rhymes, just came out from Papaveria Press. She thinks we should all sing Zing-Zou-Zou.
Original airdate: June 10, 2012