Vermilion Dreams
Toasted Cake 036: Vermilion Dreams by Claude Lalumière
Episode #36! In which we hear about books we cannot read.
For the entirety of its 475 pages, Why I Want to Love consists of one uninterrupted string of words.
Excerpted from the story "Vermilion Dreams: The Complete Works of Bram Jameson", first published in Tesseracts 14: Strange Canadian Stories (Edge 2010), edited by John Robert Colombo & Brett Alexander Savory.
Claude Lalumière is the author of the collection OBJECTS OF WORSHIP (2009) and the mosaic novella THE DOOR TO LOST PAGES (2011), both from CZP. He has edited nine anthologies in various genres, with a tenth -- BIBLIOTHECA FANTASTICA (Dagan Books) -- due out in autumn 2012. He's the Fantastic Fiction columnist for The Montreal Gazette and, with Rupert Bottenberg, is the co-creator of Lost Myths, which is a live show, a collection of pop artefacts, and an online archive of cryptomythology hosted at For more about Claude, visit
Original airdate: September 3, 2012