Shadow Play
Toasted Cake 076: Shadow Play by Liz Argall
Episode #76! In which we hold your memories.
Every time the shadow puppets play someone is saying goodbye.
First appeared right here in Daily SF.
Liz's short stories and comics can be found in places like Strange Horizons, Apex, Daily Science Fiction, The Girls Guide to Guy Stuff, and This is How You Die: Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death. Her previous incarnations include circus manager, refuge worker, artists' model, research officer for the Order of Australia Awards, and extensive work in the not-for-profit sector. As Betsy Nails she is a Non Skating Official with the Rat City Roller Girls, and she has an ongoing webcomic, Things Without Arms and Without Legs. Find her at or at her Clarion Write-A-Thon page.
Original airdate: June 23, 2013