On the Red Line, After the War
Toasted Cake 169: On the Red Line, After the War by Andrea Tang
Episode #169! In which we stay on the red line for like a really totally annoying long time.
When the invading hordes sack your city and raise triumphant flags over the monuments like a pledge to tackiness, the underground metro is simultaneously the best and worst place in the world to be.
This story is original to Toasted Cake.
Andrea Tang is a speculative fiction writer and international affairs wonk based out of DC. Her stories have previously appeared at Apex Magazine, PodCastle, and a variety of other publications. When not hunched over a notebook misusing her imagination, she's known to enjoy theater, music, and martial arts. Drop by for a hello and a virtual cup of tea at andreatangwrites.com, or on Twitter at @atangwrites.
Original airdate: January 28, 2018