The Size of a Barleycorn, Encased in Lead
Toasted Cake 172: The Size of a Barleycorn, Encased in Lead by Bogi Takács
Episode #172! In which we still pass on the word from generation to generation.
Ten things were created on the eve of Shabbat, between the lights of night and day, and they are: the mouth of the earth, the mouth of the well, the mouth of the donkey, the rainbow and the manna, and the staff, and the shamir, the writing, the missive and the tablets.
This story first appeared in Uncanny.
Bogi Takács is a Hungarian Jewish agender person and a resident alien in the US. You can find Bogi as @bogiperson on Twitter, Instagram and Patreon.
Original airdate: February 18, 2018