Turning Back the Clock
Toasted Cake 128: Turning Back the Clock by David Steffen
Episode #128! In which we navigate the time zones.
The boundary to the Central Time Zone was fifty miles to the west, across the border into Alabama.
First appeared in Bull Spec.
The artwork today is by Joey Jordan, and first appeared alongside David's story in Bull Spec.
David is a software engineer and writer who tends to take on more hobbies than he has time for. He's the founder and editor of Diabolical Plots and the co-founder and administrator of the Submissions Grinder. His latest extraneous hobby is writing interactive fiction, a text adventure along the lines of Zork and the other games made popular by Infocom of yore. His fiction has been published in Escape Pod, Daily Science Fiction, and others, including previous appearances right here on Toasted Cake. NEW! Diabolical Plots will be publishing fiction at pro rates; open the month of December for submissions.
Joey "like a baby kangaroo" Jordan is an international award winning artist whose works have been published in BullSpec magazine, LRH's Writers of the Future vol 27, Baen's Online Universe, and Renard's Menagerie along with various other publications. Originally from WA state, she now works out of her studio in Windsor Colorado where she can live her dream through the creation of otherwise unseen worlds! Find her at joeysart.wix.com/joeyjordan.
Original airdate: November 2, 2014