This Is Your Problem, Right Here
Toasted Cake 061: This Is Your Problem, Right Here, by David Steffen
Episode #61! In which we try to placate the Troll Council.
The plumber's deep voice resounded from beneath the maintenance hatch by the main pool at Cascade Reef waterpark. "You've only got one troll left."
(First appeared right here in Daily SF)
David works for an engineering design firm in Minnesota. His fiction has appeared in many magazines: Escape Pod, AE, Bull Spec, Pseudopod, Drabblecast, and many others. He edits the ezine Diabolical Plots which posts nonfiction articles related to the field of speculative fiction, including The Best of Toasted Cake. You can visit Diabolical Plots for his full bibliography. He is also the co-creator of The Submissions Grinder, an always-free writer's tool that provides a submission tracker and fiction market listings with response time statistics.
Original airdate: March 3, 2013