Making Friends
Toasted Cake 098: Pacha the Purring Prognosticator by K. G. Jewell, read by David D. Levine
Episode #98! In which we decipher our fortunes.
I had a problem--and only one cat could solve it.
First performed at the 2009 Odyssey Writing Workshop public reading.
K.G. Jewell lives and writes in Austin, Texas. He has never lost a cage match. His website, which is rarely updated, is
David D. Levine is the author of over fifty published science fiction and fantasy stories. His work has appeared in markets including Asimov's, Analog, F&SF, and Realms of Fantasy and has won or been nominated for awards including the Hugo, Nebula, Sturgeon, and Campbell. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Kate Yule, with whom he co-edits the fanzine Bento. You can hear him reading his own award-winning short story collection Space Magic on an audiobook that's available from Audible, Amazon, and iTunes, and his website is at
Original airdate: February 16, 2014