Pieces of my Body
Toasted Cake 137: Pieces of my Body by Caroline M. Yoachim, read by Alex C. Renwick
Episode #137! In which we come apart.
I gave my left arm to Elizabeth.
First appeared right here in Daily SF.
Caroline M. Yoachim lives in Seattle and loves cold cloudy weather. She has a story in this month's issue of Lightspeed, and a Tasting Menu of flash at Daily Science Fiction. For more about Caroline, check out her website at carolineyoachim.com.
Alex C. Renwick has written dozens of short stories as Camille Alexa, including her award-nominated collection Push of the Sky. She currently splits her time between Portland, Austin, Vancouver, and Montreal. You can find her at alexcrenwick.com.
Original airdate: February 22, 2015