The Fez Shackle
Toasted Cake 115: The Fez Shackle by Dale Ivan Smith
Episode #115! In which we were promised no more experiments.
We flying monkeys get no respect.
(First appeared right here in Every Day Fiction)
Dale Ivan Smith has his mother to thank for his love of reading, his writing and his passion for science fiction and fantasy. When he was five, he glimpsed the cover of a paperback sci-fi novel she was reading and was immediately interested. She encouraged him to read widely and follow his passion. He got into trouble in grade school for sneaking off to the library during class, so naturally after earning a history degree he became a librarian, and has worked for Multnomah County Library system since 1987. His stories have appeared in online magazines and on Amazon. Currently he's working two novels: a superhero serial and a weird western. You can find him at his website, .
Original airdate: July 27, 2014