Dalton's Law / Seven Standpoints from Which to Defend Your Sandwich from a Hungry Alien
Toasted Cake 087: Dalton's Law by Helena Bell, and Seven Standpoints From Which to Defend Your Sandwich From a Hungry Alien by D. T. Friedman
Episode #87! In which we dive and defend.
In diving Thumbs-up does not mean okay.
Surface, it signals. Abort.
"Dalton's Law" by Helena Bell first appeared right here in Rattle.
In your strange stomach,
This delicious pastrami
May well be poison.
"Seven Standpoints From Which to Defend Your Sandwich From a Hungry Alien" by D. T. Friedman first appeared right here in After Ever After.
Helena Bell is an occasional poet, writer, and international traveler which means that over half of what she says is completely made up, the other half is probably made up, and the third half is about the condition of the roads. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Indiana Review, Clarkesworld, and Shimmer.
D. T. Friedman is a doctor of Internal Medicine, specializing in Palliative Care with a focus on in-hospital bioethics and guidance for patients and families in difficult decision-making circumstances. She is currently starting an MBA, writing a science fiction novel geared toward teenage girls, and doing some rather exciting research on sickle cell disease. Her short stories can be found in venues such as Shimmer Magazine and the Dark Faith Anthology. Sometimes she juggles fire.
Original airdate: September 8, 2013