Season Five (2016-2018)

- 2016 -

TC #151: Rachael K. Jones, The Law of the Conservation of Hair

- 2017 - 

TC #152: Caroline M. Yoachim, Goat Milk Cheese, Three Trillion Miles from Earth

TC #153: M. Darusha Wehm, War Profiteering

TC #154: Holly Schofield, A Distant Honk

TC #155: Beth Cato, So You Have Been Claimed by a Magical Cat

TC #156: G. V. Anderson, Four Stops

TC #157: Tara Campbell, Nickerson Interstellar Student Exchange DRAFT Behavioral Guidelines for the 2155-2156 Academic Year

TC #158: Sarah Grey, Beholder

TC #159: Ken Brady, Gunfight Over an 8-Bit Rhythm Two-Step Skank at the O.K. Corral

TC #160: Shane Halbach, Copy Machine

TC #161: Laura Pearlman, Noteworthy Customer Service Interactions, Example 12: Mendoza and Squeakybuns

TC #162: Natalia Theodoridou, On Post-Mortem Birds

TC #163: C. L. Holland, And a Cup of Good Cheer

TC #164: Rachael K. Jones, St. Roomba's Gospel

TC #165: David Steffen, Cake and its Implications

- 2018 - 

TC #166: Rose Lemberg, No Longer Lacking an Onion

TC #167: H. E. Roulo, Immeasurable

TC #168: Megan Lee Beals, If We Could Fix the Horizon

TC #169: Andrea Tang, On the Red Line, After the War

TC #170: Samantha Henderson, What the Hoffenphaafs Know

TC #171: Alex Shvartsman, Future Fragments, Six Seconds Long

TC #172: Bogi Takács, The Size of a Barleycorn, Encased in Lead

TC #173: Effie Seiberg, Re: Little Miss Apocalypse Playset

TC #174: Dan Stout, Fettucine and Shrimp in Bayou Cream Sauce

TC#175: Beth Cato, 10 Things Newly Manifested Wizards Should Never Do

TC #176: Andrew Penn Romine, We All Look Like Harrie

TC #177: Stewart C Baker, How to Configure Your Quantum Disambiguator

TC #178: Laurie Tom, The Ancestors

TC #179: Sylvia Spruck Wrigley, The Daffodil Project

TC #180: Nicole J. LeBoeuf, What Dreams May Hatch

TC #181: TJ Berry, A Sermon From the First Church of Villainy

TC #182: Eden Robins, The Empire Builder

TC #183: Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Six Ways to Break Her

TC #184: Jon Lasser, The Chex Gambit

TC #185: Jude-Marie Green, Jasmine Spain

TC #186: Ken Liu, An Open Letter to the Sentient AI Who Has Announced Its Intention to Take Over the Earth

TC #187: Rachael K. Jones, Houston, Houston, Do You Read James Tiptree?

TC #188: Mari Ness, We Need to Talk About the Unicorn in Your Back Yard