Health Tips for Traveller

Toasted Cake 003: Health Tips for Traveller, by David W. Goldman

Episode #3!  In which Earthers visit the lovely world of the Pooquar peoples.

The travel via cross-continuum portal will be novel to many Earther. Hydration is a paramount for not having the small problems of liver, marrow, blood tubes and self memory. 

(Originally published right here in Nature.)

David W. Goldman finished paying off his loans from a well-known Boston trade school by moving to the Pacific Northwest, abandoning his trade, and becoming a software company. Eventually he wised up and found himself a day job. Now living in Portland, Oregon with his multi-talented wife and the obligate pair of feline distractions, he finally has time to pursue his childhood dream of writing the Great American SF Novelette. His attempts have so far appeared in venues such as Writers of the Future, Helix, Analog, and Nature. David's stories are also posted on his website,

Original airdate:  January 15, 2012
